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Getting started

Having that out of the way: simply running i3configger once you have it installed should get you set up nicely.

$ i3configger -vv

yields something like:

2017-06-08 19:25:49,131 i3configger.main:main:28 INFO: set i3 refresh method to <bound method I3.reload_i3 of <class 'i3configger.ipc.I3'>>
2017-06-08 19:25:49,131 i3configger.base:set_notify_command:54 DEBUG: do not send notifications
2017-06-08 19:25:49,131 i3configger.config:fetch:159 INFO: read config from /home/oliver/.i3/config.d/i3configger.json
2017-06-08 19:25:49,132 i3configger.config:fetch:161 DEBUG: use:
{'bars': {'defaults': {'key': 'i3bar',
                       'target': '..',
                       'template': 'tpl',
                       'value': 'default'},
          'targets': {}},
 'main': {'target': '../config'}}
2017-06-08 19:25:49,132 i3configger.config:fetch:159 INFO: read config from /home/oliver/.i3/config.d/.messages.json
2017-06-08 19:25:49,132 i3configger.config:fetch:161 DEBUG: use:
{'select': {}, 'set': {}}
2017-06-08 19:25:49,133 i3configger.config:__init__:43 DEBUG: initialized config  I3configgerConfig:
{'barTargets': {},
 'configPath': PosixPath('/home/oliver/.i3/config.d/i3configger.json'),
 'mainTargetPath': PosixPath('/home/oliver/.i3/config'),
 'message': None,
 'partialsPath': PosixPath('/home/oliver/.i3/config.d'),
 'payload': {'bars': {'defaults': {'key': 'i3bar',
                                   'target': '..',
                                   'template': 'tpl',
                                   'value': 'default'},
                      'targets': {}},
             'main': {'target': '../config'}},
 'state': {'select': {}, 'set': {}},
 'statePath': PosixPath('/home/oliver/.i3/config.d/.messages.json')}
2017-06-08 19:25:49,134 i3configger.partials:select:92 DEBUG: selected:

What happened?

  • a structure like this has been created in your i3 folder:
<your i3 folder>
 ├── config
 ├── config.bak
 └── config.d
     ├── .messages.json
     ├── config.conf
     └── i3configger.json
  • your config has been copied verbatim to config.d/config.conf so that you can now turn it into a malleable, chunky i3configger config as you see fit.

  • a new config file has been generated instead of your old config (which should still be basically the same as your old one).

  • a backup of the last config was created with .bak

  • i3configger.json can be used to do configuration of the status bars.

  • .messages.json remembers all the messages you have already sent to the configuration

What now?

Have a look at the examples to get an idea about how you can move towards a more dynamic configuration.

For a real world example look at my own i3 config. Here are the config partials and settings: .i3/config.d, from which config and all i3bar.*conf files are built.

Dev mode - watch config folder

If you are experimenting with the config and want it automatically updated on change:

run it in the foreground:

$ i3configger --watch

run it as a daemon:

$ i3configger --daemon

stop the daemon:

$ i3configger --kill