I am a little bit colour blind

So I often have problems with the standard colour choices of many programs and need to tweak them. This is often mindboggingly frustrating depending on what program you use. Therefore it is an important criterion for me, if the program I use either just has an palette I can live with or is customizable in all the right places. Ideally it uses the colour choices I make somewhere centrally and I don't have to bother.


Solarized is a theme with the colour blind in mind and works very well for me, so I try to use it wherever I can.

solarized palette


base03    #002b36   background
base02    #073642   background
base01    #586e75   content
base00    #657b83   content
base0     #839496   content
base1     #93a1a1   content
base2     #eee8d5   background
base3     #fdf6e3   background
yellow    #b58900   accent
orange    #cb4b16   accent
red       #dc322f   accent
magenta   #d33682   accent
violet    #6c71c4   accent
blue      #268bd2   accent
cyan      #2aa198   accent
green     #859900   accent